I am grateful to have the support and endorsement of many citizens across Collin County and North Texas. It would be a privilege to earn your support and endorsement, too! Simply fill out the form below (scroll down to view a list of my endorsements from my 2020 campaign). To view testimonials, please scroll down to the bottom!
Law Enforcement & Military Endorsements:
MSGT Gary Barber, USAF (Ret.)
Special Agent Jimmy Capra, DEA (Ret.)
Chief Deputy Constable Matt Carpenter
Chief Kevin Collins, Boley PD (Ret.)
A.P. Davidson, Texas Ranger (Ret.)
Chief Darrell Fant, Highland Park PD (Ret.)
Chief Daniel V. Garcia, Phoenix PD (Ret.)
Chief Terry Garrett, Heath DPS
Chief Kenny Jenks, Anna PD (Ret.)
LTC John Marlow, USAF (Ret.)
Maj. Gen. Harvey McCarter, USAF (Ret.)
LTC William Mills, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Sgt. Maj. Ruben Peireda, USMC (Ret.)
Lt. Michael E. Thornton, (SEAL) US Navy (Ret.) Medal of Honor
Special Agent John Truehitt, FBI (Ret.)
SFC John Wayne Walding, (Green Beret) U.S. Army (Ret.)
Special Agent Darwin Wisdom, FBI (Ret.)
Sheriff Lane Akin
Sheriff Terry Box
Sheriff Mark Cage
Sheriff Scott Cass
Sheriff Maxey Cerliano
Sheriff Harold Eavenson
Sheriff Pam Elliott
Sheriff Larry Fowler
Sheriff Nathan Johnson
Sheriff Ricky Jones
Sheriff Mark Lamb
Sheriff Gary Maddox
Sheriff Randy Meeks
Sheriff Kelly Rowe
Sheriff Larry Smith
Sheriff Tom Watt
Sheriff Bill Waybourn
Sheriff Dennis Wilson
Constable Gary Edwards
Constable Sammy Knapp
Constable Shane Williams
Constable Joe Wright
Elected Officials (Current & Former):
Hon. Lily Bao
Hon. Chuck Branch
Hon. Dr. Bob Collins
Hon. Joe Cordina
Hon. Kenda Culpepper
Hon. Steve Duke
Hon. Pat Fallon
Hon. Susan Fletcher
Hon. George Flint
Hon. Frederick Frazier
Hon. Darrell Hale
Hon. Angel Hamm
Hon. Tom Harrison
Hon. Paul Hendricks
Hon. Chris Hill
Hon. Justin Holland
Hon. Corbett Howard
Hon. Phillip Huffines
Hon. John Keating
Hon. Jodie Laubenberg
Hon. Jeff Leach
Hon. Pam Little
Hon. Jerry Madden
Hon. Sid Miller
Hon. Tincy Miller
Hon. Fred Moses
Hon. Candy Noble
Hon. Angela Paxton
Hon. Randy Pogue
Hon. Angela Powell
Hon. Anthony Ricciardelli
Hon. Matt Rinaldi
Hon. Scott Sanford
Hon. Pete Sessions
Hon. Matt Shaheen
Hon. Florence Shapiro
Hon. Ron Simmons
Hon. Lissa Smith
Hon. Rick Smith
Hon. Jerry Stringer
Hon. Van Taylor
Hon. Sean Terry
Hon. John Thomas
Hon. Duncan Webb
Hon. Cheryl Williams
Hon. Shelby Williams
Precinct Chairs:
Ed Acklin
Colleen Aguilar-Epstein
Kerby Anderson
Kimberly Armstrong
Thomas Baird, Jr.
Brett Baldwin
Connor Barron
Dianna Biscan
Bill Blasingame
Linda Block
Joseph Boduch
Debbie Bonenberger
Sharon Bradshaw
Charlie Bray
Wendell Brock
Mike Bronsky
Desiree Brown
Robert Canright
Jeff Cassels
Robert Chambers
Zodie Christakos
Dixie Clem
Bob Collins
Wayne Coltrane
Dave Cornette
Deidra Dennis
Matthew Dixon
Stephanie Elad
Alexander Evans
Philip Ferguson
Mary Carl Finkelstein
Lee Finley
Sean Flanigan
Brian Fletcher
Marc Friedland
Paul Frueh
Maria Garcia
Pat Greer
Scott Grigg
Eric Hall
Sandra Halsey
Jeremiah Hammer
Brent Harvey
John Heisner
Byron Henry
Jim Herblin
Valerie Herrington
Dalayr Hight
Peter Horn
Dixie Jeffers
Diann Jones
Rohit Joy
Stephen Kallas
Sebrena Kimberly
Thomas Klein
Joan Konkel
Gary Kruse
Suresh Kumar
Deanna Kuykendall
Jason Langford
Eric Lee
Nikki Leos
Daniel Long
Carroll Maxwell
Tim McCord
Cynthia Meyer
Denise Midgley
Kathy Morgan
David Mullins
John Myers
Vicki Myers
Gina O’Briant
Damian Ogoke
Hayden Padgett
Dana Palmer
John Paulson
Joanie Pikl
John Primrose
Sue Reeves
Jim Richardson
Kathi-Ann Rivard
Ann Sampson
LaVeta Sealy
Gail Seiler
Kyle Sims
Melissa Spence
Jimmy Stewart
David Stoner
Heather Tanner
Georgia Cramer Thurman
Karin Tucker
Keven Underwood
Karl Voigtsberger
Terry Wade
Grace Wang
Bret Walsh
Ginny Webb
Maggie Whitt
Greg Wright
Rustin Wright
Ruthie Wright
Arthur Young
Community Leaders & Citizens:
4C Media Group/OurCelina Magazine * Gamal Abdel-Hafiz * Myrna Acklin * Tyrone Actkinson * Dave & Mary Kaye Adams * Hector Adauto * Hermilo Aguilar * Howard & Donna Akin * Sharron Albertson * George Alexander * Ken & Stacy Ambrose * Don & Carole Ancelin * Preston Angorin * Ryan & Cassie Apple * Michael Archibeque * Doug Armstrong * Steve Ascher * Sadiq Assanie * Anthony Baca * Glen & Kambra Bacon * Marshall & Mandy Bailey * Cody Baker * Melissa Baker * Tony & Nilza Bandiera * David & Diane Bannister * Chris Barnes * Koby & Debra Barnes * Dale Barron * Wayne & Amy Bartley * Sonja Baumgarten * Jennifer Baxter * Marcie Bazor * Bryan Beavers * Judy Bell * George Berish * Chris Bingham * Phil Blackstone * Pryor Blackwell * Bill Blake * Bob & Deb Blencowe * Paul Boccafogli * Roger & Linda Bolin * Mark Bolla * Dan Bollner * Olena Bonner * Dr. & Mrs. Billy Boring * Rendy Box * Ron Boyd * Cecil Bradshaw * Karoline Brannon * Brandon Bristow * Nick & Kimberly Bristow * Jon Britton * Nancy Brobston * Mike Brodnax * Payton Brooks * Mike Brosin * Ben & Elizabeth Brown * Daniel Bruns * Jim Burnham * Ronnie & Mary Burnside * Paul Bury * Jackie Butler * Evan Byrd * Brandon Byers * Stephen Candy * Donna Canfield * Jeff Canfield * Casey Carpenter * Jeff Carroll * Anthony Carter * Carrie Carter * Stephanie Casson * Kyle & Tracy Cauley * Steve & Teresa Cauley * Monica Ceschan * Paul & Brenda Chabot * Kenneth Chaiken * Buckley Chappell * Sante Chary * Jesse & Jessica Chertoff * Steve & Ellen Childress * David Christakos * Jim & Jill Christian * Jared Clark * Randy Clark * Keith Clifton * Kurtis Clifton * Wanda Cluley * Greg Coker * Brent Collins * Claude Ann Collins * Bonita Comarnitsky * Tim Conard * Roger Conn * Clint Cook * Brittany Coomber * Russell Cooper * Patti Cordina * BJ Correu * Joe Costa * Ronald Crawford * Betty Crenshaw * Harry & Lois Crosby * Darlene Crowder * Parrish Cundiff * Eddy Daniel * Brad & Shan Dean * Doug Deason * Johnny Delavaldene * Sue Denson * Misty Dillard * Lynne Dodson * Leos Drbohlav * Ron Dubner * Sarah Duff * Jim Duggan * Tammy Duke * Rob Dunbar * Marcia Eavenson * Ray Eckenrode * Sharen Edwards * Micah Effinger * Mike Eiseman * Linda Elliott * Paul Ellis * Thomas W. Ellison * Lynn Eno * Janice Epperson * Linda Etheridge * Finley Ewing * Tony Ewing * Tom & Toni Fabry * Mike Fannin * Mary Beth Fant * Jim & Karen Farley * Andy Fenstermanker * Charles Fink * Joy Flavil * Russell & Barbara Foreman * Art & Tracy Forsha * Jackie Foskett * R.D. & Tina Foster * Oldrich & Georgina Fousek * Dave & Catherine Frazey * Ralph & Linda French * Shlomo & Ronit Fridman * Sam Fritcher * Sandra Froese * Sharon Frueh * Caleb Fulks * Tommy Galbraith * Patrick Gallagher * Kevin & Amy Ganci * Kyle & Shawn Gant * Susan Gao * Lon Garner * Jon Gergen * Diane Gehrke * GiGi Gervasi * Catherine Gibb * Mike & Charlotte Giles * Jay Gillian * Galen Gillum * Scott Ginsburg * Rex Glendenning * David & Bobbi Goelden * Mike & Billie Goldstein * Christopher Gonzales * Kathy Gonzales * Tania Gonzalez * Constance Goram-Stanton * Jay Grant * Terri H. Green * Winston Gregory * Teaugue Griffin * Clark Gullette * Mark & Lisa Gunstenson * Bill Haddon * Lisa Hallmark * John & Tracy Hancock * Barbara Harless * Ryan Harris * Tim & Alison Hartley * Bobby & Celia Hawk * Kyle & Sadye Hawk * Mitchell Hawk * Joe Helmberger * Keith Henderson * Kallie Henley * Joe Hickman * Doug Hickok * Brenda Hilgencamp * Dan Hoff * Dr. John and Martha Hollowell * Dr. Jerry Holubek * Curtis Howard * Joe & Vicki Howard * Donna Huaman-Castillo * Kelly Hughes * Mack & Doris Ann Hurst * Michael Hurst * Christie Hutchinson * Brandon Jackson * Jimmy H. Jackson * Ryan & Tori Jacquess * Anna Janis * Larry Jasper * Jeff & Stacy Jeans * David Jeffers * Dr. Mark Jenkins * Bob & Sheila Johnson * David Johnson * Justin Johnson * Kevin Johnson * McClellan Johnston * Dan Jones * Gary Jones * Jerry Jones * John Jones * Stephen Jones * Rohit Joy * Jacob Kay * William Kazanji * Brendan Keane * Sandy Keathley * Shawn Keefe * Craig Keeland * Joyce Kelley * Rusty Kelley * Mike Kelly * Yoon & Kristin Kim * Colin & Susan Kimball * Blaine Kinnebrew * Rose Kinnebrew * Matthew Kiran * Jim Kirk * Brandon Knapp * Cathy Knapp * Li Ko * Chuck & Deanna Kuykendall * David Laisure * Janet Landers * TR Lane * Douglas Lang * Matt Langan * Elizabeth Lang-Miers * Phillip & Randy LaRose * Caleb Lavey * Jim & Ann Lee * Nancy Lewis * Leo & Mary Lin * Trey Linsey * Mark Livingston * Alan Loewinsohn * Lori Loftin * Carlos Lopez * Stan Lotridge * Lon Loveless * Joyce Connell Lovett-Adkins * Rex Lowe * Angela Luiz * Ron Lusk * Dalton Lytle * Gordon MacLennan * Saleh Malkawi * Scott Mallen * Mike Mansfield * Richard & Kim Marcus * Darrell Marsh * Michael Martin * Greg Massey * Mike Massey * George & Elayne Matson * Kelly May * Natalie McBee * Nicole McBee * Ray McCain * David McCall * Mike & Michelle McCandless * James McCarley * Lonnie McCloud * George & Barbara McClure * Terry McCraw * Carla McCroan * Craig McGee * Kyle McMillin * Denise McNamara * Andrew & Caroline Meade * Kevin & Patti Meguire * Jim Meiseman * Steve Mercer * Dr. Darren Meyer * Linda Mikyska * Glenda Miller * Terri Miller * Sheryl Mills * George Milner * Derek & Mandi Milton * Jimmy Moody * Steve & Dianne Mueller * Tabbassum Mumtaz * Ken & Elizabeth Muncy * Mark Munden * David & Barbara Murman * Danny & Elizabeth Muzyka * Cindy Najas * Fred & Janis Nasseri * Lucia Nazarian * Brian & Nicole Newman * Earl Newsome * Jim Nichols * Michael O’Brien * Patty O’Brien * Nevin Oksuzler * Kara Olson * Sonja Oonk * Chris O’Reilly * Charlie O’Reilly * Ileana Osburn * Jud Pankey * Shirley Parker * Gala Partlow * Troy Pate * Norma Garcia Peireda * Huseyin Peker * Mike & Dawn Petrik * Michael Pezzulli * Brian Phahning * Brad & Michelle Pittman * Andrew Piziali * Cary Platt Kip & Jennifer Platt * Todd & Laurie Platt * Tom Plunkett * Neal & Linda Polan * Jessica Pond * Howard Powers * Reed Prosper * Megan Pulley * Jeff & Susan Raithel * D’rinda Randall * Dr. Robert Rankins * Tina & Alex Rasor * Amy Rattleff * Tom & Tracy Raymond * Ed Reames * Erich Reins * J.R. & Keresa Richardson * Bob Rider * Theodore Riney * Darrell Rivard * Judy Rivera * Douglas Roberts * Matt Roberts * Nancy Robertson * Cody Roden * Mona Roise * Ernesto Rojas * Greymi Rosa * Coreymi Rosaq * James Rose * Ron Ruffin * Mark Rutledge * Ron & Jan Samuels * Jerry Sanders * Pete Sandor * John Schomberger * Sharon Scott * Mitch Selman * Stan & Carol Sewell * Van & Marla Shaw * Jane Sidler * Leah Siegel * Mark Sims * Willie & Bronwen Skinner * Fred & Marci Smith * Will Sowell * Steve Spence * Ron Staes * Roger Staubach * Lyne Stephens * Mike & Heidi Sterlacci * David Stermer * Hap Stern * Cynthia Stewart * Andrea Stingley * Danny Stinson * Craig Stoddart * Kelley Stone * Jim & Janet Sundberg * Jasmat & Rita Sutaria * Gerald & Martha Swearingen * Amelie Taber * Andrew Tate * Chris Tate * Joline Tate * Hannah Taylor * Ted Taylor * Dave Teel * Jimmy Teeling * Robb Temple * Bob Tesch * Kaaren Teuber * Memis Tever * Melvin & Alyson Thathiah * Katie Thiele * Tracy Thomas * Jermaine Thompson * Rainey Thornton * Robert Till * Betty Tillotson * Ceci Timbrel * Joe Tooley * Jeremy Tramwell * Deanie Truehitt * Diane Tubbs * Wayne Tucker * Mike Turner * Matt Umphenour * Kate Valent * Joan van Vliet * Mike Vance * Alison Vanderwiel * Chris Vasquez * Roy & Suzanne Veal * Annette Vineyard * Charles Vire * Bob Voss * Peggy Wade * Dave Wagner * Frank Walker * Bill Wallace * Sarah Walsh * Kathy Ward * Keith Thomas Wattenbarger * Keith Webb * Beverly Webber * Barbara West * Betty Westbrook * Cathy White * Jayne White * Julie Whitten * Don Williams * Paul Wilson * Calvin Winchester * Ron Woodruff * Steve Wright * Michael & Casie Wyatt * Stephen Young * John Younts * Susan Zacheis * Doug & Lisa Zadow
Selected Testimonials:
Marcie Bazor
“As a registered independent voter, I vote for the candidate, not the party. Jim Skinner has served well in many capacities and he has my endorsement. He is a man of action and compassion judging by his accomplishments.”
Phil Blackstone
“Sheriff Skinner has my total support for his reelection.”
Linda Block
“Collin County is blessed to have you as our sheriff….”
Roger Bolin
“Jim Skinner has gone above and beyond to keep Collin County Safe. His leadership has made Collin County a better place to live.”
Debbie Bonnenberger
“Collin County has the best sheriff.”
Olena Bonner
“Collin County has the most qualified sheriff in Texas. Let’s vote Jim Skinner to continue to keep us safe.”
Jason Brazil
“You’ve done a great job so far. You have my support for a second term!”
Payton Brooks
“Focused on keeping the community safe! Period!”
Evan Byrd
“As a defender of the Constitution of Texas and the United States, I am proud to have Jim Skinner as our Texas Sheriff.”
Mark Cage
“I have known Sheriff Skinner for over 20 years as a law enforcement professional. He is one of the premier lawmen in the country. Collin County is blessed to have him. As a fellow sheriff and friend, I give Jim Skinner my highest endorsement for re-election as sheriff.”
Matt Carpenter
“The Carpenter family thanks you for your continued, dedicated service to Collin County and the Great State of Texas. We look forward to another productive 4 years with you as Collin County Sheriff.”
Don Clark
“You’re the right guy for the job, Sheriff Jim Skinner. Everyone in the US Marshal Posse of North Texas is behind you 100%.”
Kevin Collins
“I support Sheriff Skinner. As a Retired Chief of Police of 25 years, I can appreciate great leadership. Sheriff Skinner is the man for the job.”
Clint Cook
“Thank God we have a Sheriff who takes his oath to the Constitution seriously. Keep the faith!”
Russell Cooper
“Our country needs more people in service who possess the degree of excellence Jim Skinner brings to our county every day. I sleep better at night knowing he is on duty. Thank you, Sir, for your service!”
Joe Cordina
“Jim’s professionalism and commitment to excellence is second to none. His leadership in law enforcement has resulted in great results in confidence and safety for the residents of Collin County.”
Vickie Costa
“You have my vote! You have proven yourself to be a great sheriff for Collin County.”
Shan Holmes Dean
“Best Sheriff ever!!!! You know you can always count on us!!!”
Sue Denson
“Sheriff Jim Skinner is & has been a terrific Sheriff for Collin County. Thank you for protecting us.”
Misty Dillard
“You’re a great Sheriff. I hope you get re-elected. May God bless you and Collin County.”
Marvelle Ditto
“You had my vote before you filed for re-election. Thank you for the great job that you have done for Collin County. We are so lucky to have you!”
Mark Ealy
“This is a Great Sheriff. Awesome job.”
Sharen Edwards
“The hardest working sheriff in Texas!! You’re the best and you have my vote and support 100%.”
Russell and Barbara Foreman
“Sheriff Skinner, I’ve known you since before you became Collin County Sheriff as a man of honor, trustworthy, and a rock solid citizen. It is with great admiration that I endorse such a worthy public servant as yourself. God bless you, Collin County, and America. My prayers continue to be with you!! So glad that you are running again. Keep up the great work you are doing.”
Sandra Froese
“It is my privilege to endorse Jim Skinner’s re-election for Collin County Sheriff. His credentials in law enforcement, experience and public safety are exceptional.”
GiGi Gervasi
“I Highly Endorse Theeee Best Sheriff in The Nation, Sheriff Jim Skinner! He’s proven his commitment to protect and defend all our citizens of this County, State and Nation! GOD Bless and Protect Him!”
Lisa Hallmark
“I worked for Jim Skinner as a paralegal several years ago. He is one of the most honest and ethical men I know. He is tough when he needs to be but has a big heart. Jim is a fine example of what this country needs in law enforcement.”
Raul Hinojosa
“Honorable lawman, bad hombres beware.”
Dan Hoff
“Sheriff Skinner is who we need in Collin County!”
Brandon Jackson
“First and foremost, I’m an employee of the Collin County Sheriff’s Office. On behalf of the Jackson family, I couldn’t see it any other way than to have Jim Skinner remaining the Sheriff of Collin County.”
Troy Jackson
“We need Jim to assume Sheriff roles in Dallas and Collin at the same time! He’s a great guy and has been a great friend for about 8 years now. A man of great wisdom, also. Re-elect Skinner for certain!”
Larry Jasper
“Collin County is fortunate to have a dynamic and capable man like Jim Skinner at the helm of the Collin County Sheriff Department. The citizens of Collin County are blessed … and safer … due to his outstanding law enforcement leadership.”
Bob & Sheila Johnson
“A man of integrity, experience & commitment to serving Collin County with exceptional humility! We are fortunate to have Sheriff Jim Skinner protecting us 24/7.”
Jeff Jolly
“Make your vote count – Skinner for Sheriff in 2020!!”
Dan Jones
“So thankful to have a strict constitutionalist leading law enforcement in my county!”
Richard H. Jones III
“A good man and a good officer!”
Warren Jones
“You’ve done a great job for Collin County. I look forward to you serving for years to come.”
Sandy Keathley
“Can’t imagine a better person for Sheriff of Colin County. Only wish we could clone Jim so we had one of him in our county, too!”
Craig Keeland
“Sheriff Jim Skinner is an excellent sheriff and we are glad he is our sheriff. We want to keep him as Collin County Sheriff. May the best always be with him and his wife, Ellen.”
Collin Kimball
“Hell yes. Four more years!”
Thom Lauer
“You have been a great inspiration for my son. I thank you for that. Good luck in your candidacy Sheriff!”
Mark Livingston
“I had the honor of serving with Sheriff Jim Skinner in the United States Air Force. You cannot find a more Dedicated, Loyal and Honest man. I would proudly serve with him again. The folks in Collin County are lucky to have Jim as their Sheriff.”
Lori Loftin
“I support Sheriff Skinner because he’s a true advocate of safety in North Texas. He has worked tirelessly behind the scenes and in the trenches, with our deputies and other law enforcement agencies, across Texas to keep us safe; while we are busy with our daily lives. Sheriff Skinner runs a tight and efficient office over seeing 500 employees and 1000 inmates in our county jail. He has been busy working to keep Collin County the best and safest place to live. I appreciate you & your hard work, Sheriff Skinner!”
Stan Lotridge
“With great pleasure and as a resident of Plano, I endorse Sheriff Jim Skinner for reelection for the position of Collin County Sheriff. He and his team do an amazing job of protecting our community.”
Joyce Lovett-Adkins
“I very much wish to endorse Skinner for Sheriff. It was my pleasure to meet Sheriff Skinner and many of those who serve him. They were in uniform and made me exceedingly proud. As a Professional Registered Parliamentarian, I served Fred Moses as Parliamentarian during his term of some seven years as Chairman of the Collin County Republican Party as well as those who preceded him beginning 2001. I have served as the only Professional Registered Parliamentarian in Collin County.”
Mike Massey
“Re-elect Sheriff Skinner man of highest integrity and experience.”
Steve Mercer
“The best sheriff in Texas and the USA.”
Bob & Teri Nine
“We highly endorse Sheriff Skinner. He has been a true and honest Texas Conservative looking out for all the people in Collin County. He doesn’t play partisan politics, and does not play favorites with any one group of people. He has integrity and good old standard and morals that are sorely lacking in today’s society. We all say we want good men, honest men, able men, moral men, and men of integrity to be in elected office – and yet so many listen to partisan lies and don’t elect these good men. Well, here’s our chance, Texas, to elect such a man. Sheriff Skinner is exactly what Collin County needs to keep safe and prosperous.”
Sonja Oonk
“This gentleman is one of the finest people I have ever meet in all my years in politics. Honest… Serious about office… Easy to speak with… All around a great guy. Thanks, Jim for being willing to be a servant to our community.”
Chris O’Reilly
“He’s the BEST man for the job.”
Ileana Osborn
“Sheriff Skinner is a man of character. He is devoted to keeping our county safe. We definitely saw that during our ride-along with him!
Thanks Sheriff Skinner & team for keeping us safe!”
Dana Palmer
“I think Jim is the best sheriff in the country!!”
Shirley Parker
“I am happy to endorse Sheriff Jim Skinner for re-election. He has done a fantastic job of keeping us safe.”
Huseyin Peker
“A great man of service and an exemplary engagement with the local community with humility.”
Neal Polan
“Constitutional sheriff and a constitutional wife. Two patriots, it doesn’t get better than that!”
Jon Brian Porsch
“Could not ask for a better candidate. Thank you for your commitment to protecting us.”
Angela Powell
“Wishing Jim the best!”
Jess Ramos
“A proven prosecutor, lawman and sheriff. Definitely the right man for Collin County. His commitment to better that county is sincere and on point.”
Heather Reynolds
“We are so lucky to have you protecting us and our children!!”
Theodore Riney
“I fully support and endorse Sheriff Jim Skinner, the best for Collin County.”
Mona Roise
“We are so blessed to have you serving and protecting us here in Collin County!!! You definitely have my support!!! You are a good man and a great Sheriff!!!”
Ron Ruffin
“The citizens of Collin County couldn’t ask for a better Sheriff.”
Jerry Sanders
“I’ve watched your work and am proud to endorse and support your reelection bid. Thank you for your character and willingness to act on behalf of our county.”
Mary Sanders
“My family in Collin county are lucky to have you as their Sheriff. Good luck on another term!”
Corky Schalchlin
“Sheriff Skinner, as a Collin County resident, a retired Major from the Texas Department of Public Safety, and as the current Executive Director of the Texas narcotic Officers Association, I wholeheartedly endorse your candidacy for Collin County Sheriff. Thank you for your dedication and service to the citizens of Collin County.”
Paul Sikorski
“The citizens of Collin County are very fortunate to have you as their Sheriff.”
Kyle Sims
“I proudly endorse Collin County Sheriff Jim Skinner. Sheriff Skinner is a man of the highest integrity and a dear friend that I have the pleasure of knowing. Sheriff Skinner never meets a stranger and is willing to help anyone who ask. His professionalism is top notch and while his job is challenging and demanding, he makes Collin County one of the safest places to live.”
Betty Nichols Spraggins
“JIM SKINNER… He is the man for the job with all of his experience…I am so proud to have voted for him in the past…He is a great family man who leads with courageous strength to protect all of us…NEED I SAY MORE…VOTE FOR JIM SKINNER FOR COLLIN COUNTY SHERIFF.’
Jim Steinmark
“Your record speaks for itself. What you have done to protect the children of our community is strength enough in how you positively impact our community. Thank you!!”
Cynthia Stewart
“I am happy to endorse both Jim Skinner and Ellen. We are grateful to have such a hyper-qualified man as Sherrif Skinner. IMPRESSIVE!”
Danny Stinson
“Thank you, Sheriff Jim Skinner. You have done a lot for our County. We appreciate you and look forward to another great term.”
Rainey Thornton
“You’ve done an awesome job and Mike & I are certainly behind you!!”
Zella Tyson
“Best Sheriff ever!!!!!”
Adam Vest
“Everything is safe and orderly up here in Blue Ridge Sheriff Skinner. Couldn’t ask for better. You’ve got my vote.”
Annette Vineyard
“Jim Skinner is presently doing a GREAT JOB as Sheriff of Collin County and North Texas. He is definitely A KEEPER!”
Robert Voss
“Let the good work continue. Sheriff Jim Skinner is great for Collin County and Texas.”
Peggy Wade
“I can’t believe anyone would go up against you. There would be no contest. Jim is keeping Collin County safe. He is the best Sheriff and we are so lucky to have him here.”
Bill Wallace
“Endorsing and supporting you is a pleasure as you set an extraordinarily high standard in law enforcement and leadership.”
Keith Wattenbarger
“I have known Jim many years. He is a consummate professional, and extremely committed to the law enforcement profession.”
Betty Westbrook
“You have done your term very well and I wish you well for the next. You are my choice.”
Jayne White
“Thanks for an awesome job!”